The origins of tea: According to the popular Chinese legend, tea was first discovered in 2737 BC by the Chinese Emperor Shen Nung who is considered a mythological figure of ancient Chinese medicine.

According to the legends, it is believed that Shen Nung was a great herbalist who would go out into the mountains in search of herbs and plants to treat diseases and would test their effectiveness upon himself. 

During one such research, it is believed that leaves from a plant with enormous medicinal properties was discovered, which today we know as tea and the plant classified as Camellia Sinensis. The legend goes that Shen Nung drank tea to detoxify his body as he would often get poisoned while experimenting with various wild herbs and plants. Today the medicinal properties of tea are greatly scientifically researched and it’s acknowledged that fine tea is a source of antioxidants and a natural immunity booster.  

Over time, tea consumption increased and spread. Early China started drinking tea for health and longevity. The fine teas were used for royal consumption while common and poorer quality teas were given to the masses.

Research of tea has been ongoing for the last 5000 years for it to ultimately become the 2nd most important drink after water in the world. Fine teas were not only consumed for their taste and aroma, but for medicinal properties like polyphenol, flavonoids and a small quantity of fluoride.

Tea started a new revolution and its expansion spread from early 7th Century AD onwards. Fine tea was considered as the greatest gift. It was valued greater than gold and jewels.

The tea plant and the demise of fine tea

The tea plant Camelia Sinensis grows mainly in tropical and subtropical climates and is cultivated at altitudes of up to 2000 meters above sea level. Conducive climatic conditions, rainfall, humidity, geographical location and nature of the soil are the key factors for the cultivation of quality teas. Therefore, although tea is grown in many parts of the world, there are very few fine tea growing regions.

With the change of climatic conditions globally, there was massive contamination of both the soil and air which started impacting the quality of tea produced. Only the finest pluck during the prime-time harvest called, ‘2 leaves and a bud’ contains the highest amount of antioxidant properties and very low level of fluoride and can be classified as fine tea. One which will boost immunity as a medicinal drink. 

It was only from the beginning of 19th century with rising tea consumption due to historical events that tea drinking was promoted. The expansion of demand boosted the increase of production of inferior quality teas.

The medicinal quality of tea lost its status as poorer quality teas became mass produced and marketed as healthy. A rise in tooth and bone related illnesses followed. Skeletal fluorosis and osteoporosis became common illnesses. Only in the mid 20th century major attention was being given to this and scientific research started analyzing the chemical components in tea. Much was printed in the press from the turn of 21st century, but the scientific truths were not acknowledged or highlighted by the tea merchants.

Marketing suppressed the scientific truth. Only research labs were printing articles in the press and Global Food Authorities i.e. USDA, EFSA and some governments like Australia, New Zealand and few others, benchmarking chemicals in tea including fluoride.

The Newby Teas mission

Newby Teas was born from a desire to acknowledge the great history and preserve the rich culture of tea. All profits and income are dedicated to charity. The company has paid the highest attention and spared no expense or effort to preserve the history and art of tea but also true tea culture by procuring fine teas. This is only possible by carefully vetting the chemical contents and levels of fluoride in all Newby teas. Newby’s mission is to revive tea culture and ensure that all Newby teas are safe to be enjoyed by all, including children, women, the elderly people and those who are suffering with viral illnesses. 

Newby has been acknowledged by the Specialty Food Association of America as the finest International tea brand. This year, Newby has donated substantial amounts of Newby teas to hospitals exclusively for Covid-19 patients, serving doctors and the medical team in U.K, Switzerland, USA and other countries.


Discover more about Indian Black Teas here.