At Newby Teas, we love seeing women thrive and today we’d like to introduce you to our Tea Sommelier, Evita.


Could you please introduce yourself?


I started to work for a Tea Company when I was 18 years old. This job introduced me to a whole world of different teas and I never stopped exploring. Before that I was mostly drinking my mum’s herbal teas that we picked in the Latvian countryside in early summer every year.


Tea sommelier - Newby Teas


How did you become a tea expert?

I am a certified Tea sommelier, obtained my diploma from the UK Tea Academy. My knowledge about tea comes through working for some amazing tea companies for the last decade, and now at Newby Teas. Tea is an immersive subject and it holds so much information that I will never stop learning. Tea is taking me on a life-long journey.


“I’m a purist. I prefer tea without anything added to it. Tea can have so many different flavour profiles, influenced by its growing conditions and manufacturing method.”


What’s your favourite tea?

People keep asking me this question and I always answer “I don’t have a favourite tea”. It’s like with food, you wouldn’t eat the same food all the time, you want to mix it up and I am always up to tasting something new. I generally drink tea from all 6 categories – White, Green, Black, Oolong, Pu Erh and Yellow.


tea expert - newby teas


What’s your favourite tea ritual?

When I want to have time for myself, I would pick a nice Oolong or Pu Erh Tea and indulge in a ceremony where tea is infused several times similar to the Chinese Gong Fu Cha tea ceremony. As Newby’s founder - Mr Sethia - says “Sipping Tea is like meditation”