Tea is a truly wonderful beverage, not just for the comfort and warmth it brings, but for the myriad health benefits it gives us. This brilliant leaf is packed full of beneficial properties, but not all teas are created equal.

Tea is the most popular drink in the world after water, and has been enjoyed for around five thousand years. On average we drink between 2-5 cups of tea a day in the UK. This is perfectly healthy within a balanced diet, and studies show that tea drinkers have healthier hearts, brains, metabolisms and immune systems. One of the many joys of tea is that it’s not only delicious, but healthy too – a combination that is all too rare.

However, low quality teas have been found to contain high levels of fluoride. Consumed in small amounts fluoride is perfectly safe, but high levels of fluoride consumption can have serious consequences for our health.

Newby was created to show the world how good true tea can be, both in terms of flavour, and health. We are also a charitable company, all of our profits go to charitable causes helping those who need it most. As part of our dedication to the highest quality tea, and our mission to improve the lives of the greater community, we carry out stringent fluoride testing to ensure our teas are safe and healthy.


What is fluoride?

Fluoride is a naturally occurring substance found in the soil, water and plants. In small amounts it aids dental health and in some areas they add small amounts of fluoride to the water to combat tooth decay in the population. Fluoride is used in toothpaste and mouthwash, as well as being present in almost all water, food and drinks.

Medical associations recommend a daily maximum intake of around 3-5mg of fluoride for adults and around 1mg for children.


Dangers of fluoride

Excessive amounts can lead to dangerous bone disease such as osteoporosis, osteopenia and skeletal fluorosis. These can lead to dysfunctional bones and joints that can be painful and immobilising. Fluoride can also damage the parathyroid gland which could lead to depletion of calcium in bones and increased calcium in the blood. Fluoride is a neurotoxin, excessive amounts can cause neurological problems, even hindering neurological development in children. Other dangers include increased risk of diabetes, dental fluorosis, kidney damage and cancer.


Fluoride in tea

Because fluoride is naturally found in the soil, over time the tea plant will draw it up through the roots and gradually disperse throughout the plant. The closer the leaves are to the roots, the higher the levels of fluoride. Newby only uses the youngest and freshest leaves at the very top of the plant, as these leaves have the best flavour, and the most nutrients – this is known in the industry as ‘fine picking’. Elsewhere in the industry, it is common to pick the lower leaves in order to increase yield – this is known as ‘coarse picking’. These leaves are older, have rougher flavours, less nutrients, and are also closer to the roots, resulting in increased fluoride content.

Because of this, there is a correlation between low quality teas and high levels of fluoride. Research shows that many teas on the market contain dangerously high levels of fluoride – often around 1.5mg per cup. This means that the average UK tea drinker would be exceeding their daily recommended intake and could be causing irreparable damage to their body.


Fluoride Findings

Knowing the dangers of fluoride and refusing to risk jeopardising human health for the sake of profit, Newby made the decision to test, not only our teas, but a range of teas available on the market, at an independent laboratory. The results of our comprehensive fluoride report are published every year.

The findings are troubling. Not only do we see the evidence of high levels of fluoride in budget teas, but also in those who present themselves as premium tea brands. In our independent testing, Newby teas consistently shows the lowest levels of fluoride, making it the safest and healthiest choice.


Newby Teas is predominantly owned by the British charity, the N. Sethia Foundation and is constantly striving to make efforts towards the improvement of community health and welfare. It is our sincere hope that through research and dialogue we can raise awareness and improve standards of fluoride in the tea industry, and protect the billions of people who enjoy this wonderful drink every day.