It’s the time of year when we are all concerned about our health. Our wellbeing and that of our loved ones is the most important thing to us. The good news is that we can take easy steps to provide our bodies with everything it needs to maintain a strong immune system. Drinking tea regularly is a brilliant source of nutrients and contributes towards a healthy diet that will keep our immune system resilient. The humble cup of tea is packed with myriad health benefits and aid towards our mental wellbeing.

The history of tea spans over four thousand years, but for the majority of that time it was consumed for medicinal purposes. One story of tea’s discovery tells how the mythical emperor, Shen Nong, had accidentally poisoned himself 72 times while sampling unknown plants in the forest, as he lay there dying he looked up and saw a type of bush that he didn’t recognise, he ate some of the leaves and made a miraculous recovery – that bush was the tea plant. This is just a story, unfortunately there is no evidence to suggest that tea has the power to cure poisoning, but it is true that for the first few thousand years, tea was used as medicine.

Monks were the first to grow tea in their medicinal gardens and they would use it to treat a number of things from headaches to malaise. Later, tea was packed into cakes that were boiled up with other ingredients such as onion, peppermint and salt to create a medicinal soup. Tea became so desirable that it was used to trade for valuable war horses from Tibet – the nomadic Tibetans wouldn’t accept gold or silver for their sturdy horses, only tea, as it was so essential for their survival due to the many nutrients it contained.

The many health benefits of tea have been known in China for millennia, and more recent western studies are beginning to confirm these truths. While we cannot say for certain if these health claims are fact, many studies support them. The most attractive health benefits are around the high levels of antioxidants, particularly in green teas. Antioxidants are said to be anti-aging and may fight off some cancers through their reduction of free radicals. Free radicals in the body are responsible for cell damage that cause signs of aging and potentially lead to cancer. For the ultimate health kick, try one of our luxury green tea blends such as gentle and sweet Hunan Green or verdant Green Sencha.

Tea may also be beneficial for circulation and heart health as it contains catechins and polyphenols. Some studies show that drinking tea daily can significantly reduce the risk of heart disease by lowering the levels of bad cholesterol (LDL) and increasing the numbers of good cholesterol (HDL). Many recent studies have also found that tea may be effective in reducing risk of diabetes by regulating blood sugars and promoting healthy insulin activity. Try one of our luxury black teas such as robust and malty Assam or citrusy and spicy Ceylon.

As well as the many benefits of drinking tea for the body, it is also beneficial for the mind. Tea is naturally comforting and reduces levels of stress. There’s a reason why so many of us reach for the kettle in times of difficulty – tea contains L-theanine and GABA (gamma-Aminobutyric acid) that effectively calm us by binding with the stress receptors in the body and blocking them. In addition to this, the caffeine and other beneficial chemicals such as EGCG (Epigallocatechin gallate) in tea also promote brain health, as well as a healthy metabolism. The caffeine and L-theanine in tea actually work synergistically to create a calm and focused state of mind – caffeine is released more slowly for a gentle energy boost. Buddhist monks have been using tea for its mind sharpening abilities for a thousand years, to help them stay alert while remaining Zen-like.

It is important to note that not all tea is created equal. Low-quality tea is likely sprayed with pesticides and fertilisers that end up in your cup. In addition to this, low-quality tea is often made with the lower leaves of the bush, where naturally occurring fluoride drawn up from the soil is found in unsafe levels. Testing of mainstream tea brands discover high levels of fluoride in the final brew. This dangerous chemical can lead to health problems such as osteoporosis and skeletal fluorosis. Finally, low quality tea is likely to have been stored improperly, sometimes for years. During this time the beneficial phytochemicals such as flavonoids will degrade, meaning a less nutritious brew.

At Newby Teas, we take health and well-being seriously, and only source the prime season leaves from the first and second flush. At this time, the cool weather means that pests are not an issue, so there is no need for pesticides. We rigorously test our leaves for pesticides ensuring that our luxury teas are as pure as possible, and we only use hand-picked leaves from the top bud and two leaves. These are the freshest and most nutritious parts of the plant, and are too far from the roots for the fluoride to travel. Every year we publish a detailed report of fluoride in the global tea market and we consistently outperform our competitors – we are the only luxury tea company to do this, we feel it is our moral duty. Finally, we package all our teas in our state of the art processing facility, using cutting edge technologies to ensure the freshest brew possible.

Unlike many health fads, tea has stood the test of time, and additionally, good tea also tastes wonderful. So in order to obtain the vast health benefits, simply drink more delicious Newby Teas!