This month’s tea is the very special Silver Needle white tea. This is one of the most luxurious teas in the world, previously reserved for the emperor of China.

Only the prized buds are picked and minimally processed to allow the natural delicate fragrance of the tea plant to take centre stage. This tea is the ultimate expression of spring in a cup. 

Where does Silver Needle tea come from?


Silver Needle is a white tea from Fujian, China – the birthplace of white tea, and still one of the largest and most prestigious areas for producing this sought-after tea. The history of this tea is complex, but has its origins in the tribute teas of the Tang dynasty, over 1000 years ago. It was customary to pay tribute to the emperor of China by offering teas of the highest quality. The teas were made to the highest of standards, so only the youngest buds, the most prized part of the plant, were picked and immaculately processed.  From these decadent origins came Silver Needle tea.


What is Silver Needle tea?


The name Silver Needle, or Yin Zhen in Chinese, refers to the silvery white hairs on the buds and the long thin shape of the dry leaf. The delicate down that covers these buds is the plants natural protection of these precious younglings. The buds of the tea plant are the equivalent of the bush’s babies, and like all mothers, the plant is eager to protect and support their young. The hairs on the buds are packed with nutrients to support and protect. Theanine, polyphenols and caffeine (a natural pest repellent) nourish and defend against insects and other threats. It is this high concentration of extra nutrients that make this tea so special.


The health benefits of Silver Needle tea


White tea is high in anti-oxidants and said to be excellent at helping us to metabolise fat. Many claim that white tea aids healthy skin and fights signs of ageing. Silver Needles in particular are brimming with additional polyphenols and theanine that contribute to a healthy heart and help reduce stress.

How is Silver Needle tea made?


To make this tea the buds are picked by hand before being withered and gently dried, traditionally in the sunlight. The leaves are harvested at the very start of the growing season, known as the first flush. The dormancy period over winter and the slow growth of spring mean that these buds are nutrient rich and produce an extremely delicate tea. While the production methods sound simple, a high degree of skill is required to make the perfect Silver Needle tea. Our Silver Needles are plump and silvery, indicative of their high quality.


The tasting notes of Silver Needle tea


The flavour of this tea is luxuriously delicate. The minimal processing of the leaves means that it can be considered to be the purest expression of the natural flavour of the tea plant. The buds grow fat as they brew, releasing their delicate melon aroma. The liquor is the colour of pale honey, and has an oily thickness to it. The taste is sweet, bright and grassy, with a gentle and refreshing finish.


How to brew Silver Needle tea?


Spring is the perfect time to enjoy this tea, as it represents the new life brought by the changes of the season. We highly recommend brewing this tea in our glass teapot in order to fully enjoy the spectacle of the leaves sinking, indicating that the liquor is ready to enjoy.


Silver Needle Loose Leaf