‘Ayurveda’ means ‘the knowledge of life’ in Sanskrit, and is a natural medicinal system which proposes therapies of herbal medicines, special diets, meditation, yoga, massage and medical oils.

Ayurvedic medicine is centred on the belief that spiritual and physiological balance is of the upmost importance to health, but because we are all constituted differently, what’s beneficial to one may be detrimental to another.


  1. The history of Ayurveda

Ayurveda originated in ancient India over two millennia ago; classical Ayurveda texts account the gods bestowing medical knowledge upon the sages, who gave it to physicians.

In Sushra Samhita it’s said that Dhanvantari, the Hindu god of Ayurveda, incarnated himself as a King of Varanasi to teach humans medicine.

When Indian yoga master and silent monk, Baba Hari Dass, went to Canada in 1971 to open yoga centres and retreat programmes, he taught his students the wisdom of Ayurveda, which spread throughout the western world.


ayurvedic teas for digestion


  1. What are the three Doshas in Ayurveda and how are they used to cure the root of a problem?

In Ayurvedic medicine, unbalanced mental and physical energies are thought to be the fundamental cause of illnesses. It’s believed that these universal energies, known as the ‘three doshas,’ exist in us all and must be balanced to maintain good health.

Each person is said to require specific Ayurvedic treatments to balance his/her doshas, tailored to the predominance of one or more within each individual, as doshas are believed to explain our physicality and personality traits.

The three doshas are as follows: ‘Vatta’, ruler of space and air, governs our movement. ‘Pitta’, of fire and water, accounts for our ability to adapt, while ‘Kapha’ rules earth and water and enables us to protect ourselves and others.


Vatta Dosha

Those with Vatta as their prominent dosha are light on their feet and quick in their speech. They usually have lean muscles, slight frames, cool skin, small features, an inconsistent appetite and variable digestion.

The Vatta temperament is creative, enthusiastic and social. Those ruled by Vatta usually enjoy variety and travelling. They learn and forget quickly, and often need lists and reminders.


Pitta Dosha

If Pitta is your prominent dosha you’re probably medium in stature with warm reddish skin, fine oily hair and intense eyes. Pitta energy enables easy weight management and provides steady hormones, a clear voice and a strong walk.

The Pitta temperament is competitive and disciplined. Pitta makes great leaders who are suited to managerial roles; they have sharp memories, good comprehension skills and are concise communicators who learn quickly.


Kapha Dosha

Kapha produces low, booming voices, leisurely walking paces and broad muscular frames. He/she is strong with a sturdy immune system, smooth skin, thick hair and pronounced features. While gaining weight is easy, losing it is difficult, and digestion is slow.

Those ruled by Kapha like structure and routine. They are steady, calm and honest. They are also generous and compassionate with dependable long term memories; they make effective caretakers, teachers and social workers.


ayurvedic plants for digestion


  1. Popular ingredients in Ayurvedic teas

If your dominant dosha is Kapha, select teas containing energising tea leaves and stomach soothing ginger to encourage spontaneity and invigorate a slow digestive system.

If you’re Vatta dominant, choose relaxing herbs like fennel, cinnamon and turmeric to lull an eccentric psyche into moments of calm and to encourage an appetite.

For Pitta, opt for teas with cooling flowers such as chamomile, lavender and rose. These flowers can quell flushed skin and tension build-up from Pitta’s fast-paced schedule.

Tulsi, or ‘Holy Basil’ protects against chronic diseases and stress. It’s also known for its cough relieving and anti-inflammatory abilities.

Liquorice is another adaptogen that can relieve a sore throat and reduce inflammation. It can also improve eyesight and skin quality.

Liquorice and Cardamom are powerful antioxidants that support the digestive and immune systems, act as aphrodisiacs and increase metabolic activity.

Pepper has antioxidant properties too and can help the body absorb and circulate nutrients. It also promotes oxygen flow to the brain, supports digestion, circulation and healthy joints.

Coriander helps fight infections, protects brain and heart health while promoting healthy digestion. It’s rich in immune-boosting antioxidants and can lower blood sugar.

Lemongrass can help reduce a high temperature. It can also stimulate digestion, relieve pain and improve blood sugar levels and cholesterol.



ayurveda tea for stress


  1. The Health Benefits of our Ayurvedic tea

Newby’s Ayurveda-inspired tea collection is packed with dosha balancing blends for true springtime equilibrium.


Wellness Spa for improved digestion

Featuring zesty ginger, sweet liquorice root and fragrant lemongrass to stimulate digestion, while antioxidant-packed tea leaves and zingy lemon peel detoxify the stomach and nourish the liver.

Soothing dandelion root and marigold petals are added to settle the digestive system, while milky coconut pieces provide antibacterial gut-support and a nutty aftertaste.



Energy Boost to fight inflammation

A blend of energising tea leaves, combined with balmy black pepper and ginger to stimulate oxygen flow and promote circulation, nourishing the heart and liver.

Meanwhile the anti-inflammatory and anti-viral properties of Turmeric, cinnamon, peppermint and liquorice-root revitalise the body and provide a deep spicy flavour with a fresh, minty after note.



Yoga Relax for immunity

Alleviate tension with this calming concoction featuring holy basil to ease swelling, pain and psychological stress, while giving the tea a warming clove-like flavour.

Lemongrass is added for its ability to lift the mood, support the immune system and neutralise blood sugars. It gives the tea a slight twist of lemon without the tang for moments of serenity and inner strength.



Body Balance for detox

Treat yourself to a spring detox with this cleansing creation of fennel seed, cardamom pods, coriander seeds and liquorice root; these ingredients increase digestion to restore the body to its natural functioning.

The addition of liquorice root to reduce joint pain and aid weight loss brings a minty sweetness, while fennel, cardamom and coriander provide an earthy base flavour.



Night Calm for sleep issues

Unwind at the end of a long day with our relaxing union of comforting chamomile and lavender flowers with aromatic rose petals for a bedtime bouquet to perfume your dreams.

Fragrant notes of pine from lemongrass and holy basil provide anti-inflammatory effects for a stress free rest, while liquorice root and fennel seeds restore the stomach and encourage digestion while you slumber.